
Why He fall for HER not ME?!

She knows secrets of seduction and you dont!

She might seem to know them "instinctively" or maybe she figured them out.

For Women Only: Types of Guys You’ve Got to Avoid

1. ‘The PLAYa’
He’s the perfect guy. This type of guy is looking for quantity not quality. The appeal: if you tamed this kind of beast then he’s yours – you would be a “legend”. The consequence: if you’ll not be able to tame this beast then you’ll end up broken hearted.

2. The Cheapstake
This guy loves his money more than giving you much. The consequence: you’ll feel cheap; maybe you will be the one who will spend more money for him.

3. The Geakyspeaky
This type of guy talks so much. The appeal: he sound humorous, easy to talk to. The consequence: he talks so much that he’s mouth is kind a like 24/7 machine.

4. The ex-obsessed
He is still in love with his ex. The appeal: you would like to replace his ex in his heart. The consequence: He would always compare you to his ex and you’ll end up having some kind of insecurity.


Flirty Fishing

Generic flirty message -

a message to lots of girls/guys at once to see who's up for a makeout session. Each girls/guys gets so excited thinking that she's/he's the only one getting such message from the predator. Meanwhile the predator just seeing who message him/her back so he/she can weigh his/her options.


Art of Seduction Secrets - Seduce Women

What if She doesn’t Call You Back?

I met this girl at my job. I ask this girl named Charise to give me her phone number so that we can get together the next day. She gave me her number and I called. I left a message on her answering machine. But she did not call. Why she didn't call me back?!

What have you done in this kind of situation?

First thing you should know is how to prevent this kind of situation not an answer to how
to solve a problem..

Tip#1 Keep this in mind:

1. Women give out their numbers to guys.

Case1: She might like the attention

Case2: She want to get rid of a guy

2. Women expect men to call them. A woman expects the man to try and try. (For women: to call back a guy makes him think that she is kind of clingy.. The more you kept ignoring the person, the more he wants you)

---------------------------These You should Know -------------------------

Tip#2 Call her 3 to 5 times before you give up

Tip#3 To figure out how to make women want to call you back, you might have to work on improving your humor, your personality, your appearance, or whatever. In short, you need to learn how to make a woman feel for you when you first meet her – “ah theres something about him”. And if you don’t.. she's not likely to call you back.

Lesson 2: To Be a Seducer

In order to be a great seducer you have to know your victim/s...

You might be the prey instead of being the predator..


Lesson 1:Attraction Concept

Men and women are very different when it comes to attraction.

Men, they are usually captivated with physical aspects - beauty of woman or the body.

While women are triggered not merely by looks but things other than looks - "ah.. it's something about him".
Women are more attracted on how a man makes them feel rather than looks alone.

These are the facts that you have to accept.


FUBU Relationship

Why in FUBU(fuck body) relationship there is great possibility that one would get in love with the other? Yes! Its because there is a chemical hormone in the body called oxytoxin. The level of this hormone in our body is elevated by touch between two people. This hormone literally causes the feeling of being "in love" with another person..

John is a regular office man went to an old library in the town. While he was looking for books to read, he saw this lady reading a book in an isolated area of the library. The woman stared at him as if she was telling her something. He drew near closer to the woman. The woman held his hand and drags him to the basement of the library. And they started making out.

Every Wednesday they would make out at the basement of the library. They don’t talk that much with each other. John doesn’t even know her name, where she lives or any information about the woman. All they do is making out, get dress after and go on. John gets excited with the situation. He only thinks of one thing – making out with the woman at the library.

One Wednesday, the woman did not appear in the library. So John went on searching for her all over the town. He sees the woman entered into a mini theater. She is an actress there. He sees the woman acting on the stage while on the audience is her husband and her son. John is devastated of what he realized.

That’s the sad truth about FUBU relationship. Fortunate are those who really don’t have feelings for the other, unfortunate are those who have fallen.

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